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How to charge a laptop with HDMI (3 Simple Steps)

Laptop charging is very important for your online work but if you’re a traveler or forget to put your laptop charger but you have an HDMI Cable. So, you’re very lucky because you can charge a laptop with your HDMI in this article I’m sharing with you the best method of How to charge a laptop with HDMI So read this article. I hope this article will solves your problem.

Can we Charge a Laptop with HDMI?

Yes, you can charge your laptop using an HDMI string. still, it’s important to note that not all laptops are compatible with this system and that you should check your laptop’s specifications before trying to do so. also, charging your laptop via Hamill probably be slower than charging it via an AC appendage.

Steps to Charge a Laptop with an HDMI Cable

How to charge a laptop with HDMI you might come across a situation where you need to charge your laptop but the bowl is missing or broken. The first volition would be to use an HDMI string rather.

Step# 1 First, make sure to check the following Still, there are four criteria necessary a motor, an HDMI string if you want to plug your laptop HDMI string plugged into the recharge outlet. Without these three effects– the connector/ harborage of your bowl and both ends of the cord– you can not charge your laptop through the HDMI harborage.

Step# 2 The coming step is to connect the HDMI string.
To connect your HDMI string to your TV, first, plug the HDMI connector into your television. Next, plug one end of the HDMI string into the conterminous connector. However, this is the stylish way to go as you will need to make many fresh purchases If you have a laptop with an HDMI connector. The inverters for this system are known as HDMI- OTG appendages. To charge your laptop with an HDMI line, you will need a Chrome book/ Chrome box with HDMI out or a secondary 12V power force.

Step# 3 Connect the Device
When you see the laptop turning on, it means that the charge is working correctly. However, detach the HDMI string and return it until there is a difference, If not. Also, if you are getting static in return, there may be a problem with the power source. To charge your laptop using this approach, you will need the following a television with an HDMI input harborage and an HDMI string *. Connect the HDMI string to the television’s HDMI input harborage and one end of the appendage string to the laptop. The other end of this string should also be plugged into the television’s HDMI input harborage. Laptops generally come with technical charging appendages that regulate the voltage. This voltage and current are what your laptop uses to charge. occasionally it might be a good idea to use HDMI rather than other styles like playing pictures on a large screen or connecting to high-quality audio systems. HDMI transmits low voltage, which may beget a hindrance with other electrical products. Recharging your laptop with an HDMI string is dangerous. I would recommend only doing this if you have no other option to power it. else, you should use the charging appendage that came with your laptop.

Is it safe to Use an HDMI Cable to Charge a Laptop?

Yes, it’s safe to use an HDMI string to charge your laptop. still, there are many effects to keep in mind when doing so. First, make sure that the HDMI string is duly connected to both your laptop and the power source. Second, be apprehensive that not all HDMI lines are created equal and some may not be suitable to give enough power to charge your laptop. Third, check with your laptop’s manufacturer to see if they’ve any specific recommendations for charging via HDMI. Following these simple tips will help ensure that you can safely and efficiently charge your laptop using an HDMI string.

Points to flashback while charging your laptop using the HDMI
When you are charging your laptop using HDMI, there are many effects to keep in mind

  • Make sure that the string is plugged into both the laptop and the power source.
  • Check that the connection is secure and not loose.
  • If you are using an appendage, make sure that it’s compatible with your laptop.
  • Be careful not to load the harborage by plugging in too numerous biases.
    By following these simple tips, you can charge your laptop safely and efficiently using HDMI.


In conclusion, charging a laptop with HDMI string is a great way to save time and plutocrat. It’s also a veritably accessible way to keep your laptop charged while you’re on the go. There are many effects that you need to keep in mind when using this system, but overall it’s a veritably effective way to charge your laptop. still, please feel free to communicate with us, If you have any questions or enterprises

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